Patrik Vuilleumier
Group name: Laboratory for Behavioral Neurology and Imaging of Cognition
Group type: Main
Affiliations: Faculty of Medicine, Department of Basic Neurosciences
Domains: Perception, Attention and Cognition, Affective and Social Neurosciences
Keywords: Emotion, face recognition, facial expression, neural circuits, perception
Research activities
Our group investigates the cerebral mechanisms of cognition, including perception, emotion, and consciousness. We use neuroimaging techniques such as functional resonance magnetic imaging (fMRI) and event-related potentials (ERPs). The major questions of our research concern how the human visual system can recognize objects and faces, how we identify sounds and voices, and how we perceive and respond to emotions and social signals, such as facial expressions or eye gaze. We also study the neural circuits by which emotions can influence perception and behavior, for example in response to fear, anger, or reward. We are particularly interested by the role of the amygdala in emotion and social processes. Our work also investigates the impact of brain lesions on cognitive functions (after stroke or other brain diseases), such as deficits in attention and space representations in hemineglect syndrome, with the aim to understand how different brain areas interact to produce normal conscious awareness of sensory space, and to develop new therapeutic approaches to improve impaired functions.
Latest publications
Brain Reactivity and Vulnerability to Social Feedback Following Acute Stress in Early Adolescence.
Effects of Dalcroze Eurhythmics Exercise Versus Multicomponent Exercise on Physical and Cognitive Function, and Falls in Older Adults: The EPHYCOS Randomized Controlled Trial.
Influence of transient emotional episodes on affective and cognitive theory of mind.
I don't feel sick: Cognitive and affective processing of self-health associations using the Implicit Association Test.
Hide the members of the Lab
Prof. Patrik Vuilleumier
+41 22 37 95 381
Bruno Bonet
+41 22 37 94 160
Soraya Brosset
+41 22 37 90 383
Pauline Cantou
+41 22 37 91 243
Chloé Deschanet
+41 22 37 90 994
Riccardo Galli
+41 22 37 90 992
Giovanni Leone
+41 22 37 90 272
Christophe Mermoud
+41 22 37 94 168
Maeva Moyne
+41 22 37 90 868
Martina Nonni
+41 22 37 90 349
Roberta Ronchi
+41 22 37 95 311
Mathilde Salagnon
+41 22 37 91 045
Chunyan Shi
+41 22 37 90 998
Jie Song
+41 22 37 90 346
Mi Xue Tan
+41 22 37 90 345
Yvain Tisserand
+41 22 37 97 331
Faculté de médecine
Université de Genève