Edouard Gentaz

Edouard Gentaz

Function: Professeur ordinaire

Group name: Psychology of sensorimotor, affective and social development

Group type: Main

Affiliations: Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education, Psychology Section

Domains: Development and Plasticity, Perception, Attention and Cognition, Affective and Social Neurosciences, Sensory and Motor Systems

Keywords: brain development, child development, Emotion, sensorimotor processes,

Research activities

Our research aim at better understanding the development of sensorimotor, affective and social abilities in typical and atypical humans, from birth to late adolescence. Our research shows a theoretical interest but also concrete practical applications with pedagogic methods, guides for parents etc. Our research about babies behavior and abilities is supported by the babylab.

Latest publications

See the complete list of the publications



Faculté de psychologie

Université de Genève
