Alexandre Pouget
Group name: Laboratory of cognitive computational neuroscience
Group type: Main
Affiliations: Faculty of Medicine, Department of Basic Neurosciences
Domains: Perception, Attention and Cognition
Keywords: computation, decision making, neural circuits, uncertainty
Research activities
The goal of our research is to uncover general principles of representation and computation in neural circuits. Most computations of interest, such as recognizing an object or making a decision, are performed in the presence of high uncertainty. Recent behavioral work in humans and animals has shown that the nervous system handles this uncertainty near optimally, which is to say that the brain represents probability distributions over variables of interest and combine these distributions according to the laws of statistical inference. Our current work focuses on understanding how these inferences are performed at the neuronal level using a type of neural code known as population code. We apply our theory to a variety of domains, including decision making, multisensory integration, number representation, early visual processing and perceptual learning.
Key publications
Optimal policy for multi-alternative decisions.
A probabilistic approach to demixing odors.
Confidence and certainty: distinct probabilistic quantities for different goals.
A better way to crack the brain.
Information-limiting correlations.
Hide the members of the Lab

Prof. Alexandre Pouget
+41 22 37 94 699

Jacob Bakermans
+41 22 37 94 701

Gaëlle Chapuis
+41 22 37 95 641

Charles Findling
+41 22 37 95 333

Luis Gomez Camara

Félix Hubert
+41 22 37 94 701

Peter Nickl

Laurena Python
+41 22 37 94 701

Reidar Riveland
+41 22 37 95 641

Pablo Tano Retamales
+41 22 37 95 333
Faculté de médecine
Université de Genève
Email: Alexandre.Pouget@unige.ch