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Brain & Cognition seminar – Talk Annelies Raes (Lecture series)
13 December 2022 @ 16 h 30 min - 17 h 30 min
Measuring and improving student engagement during Hybrid Learning Environments The global pandemic forced many of us to rethink education to fight Covid-19 and apply social distancing during lectures. Luckily, we could rely on earlier research into distance education in general, and more specifically, into synchronous hybrid learning. During synchronous hybrid learning both on-site and remote students are connected and taught synchronously in what we call at KU Leuven the “hybrid classroom” or “hybrid lecture hall”. In order to further substantiate this potential ‘new normal’, research is needed to investigate the influencing factors of engagement and learning in these new environments from a student and teacher perspective. In my presentation I will reveal the student and teacher experiences with two different hybrid learning designs, which are explored and analysed through the lens of the Activity-Centred Analysis and Design (ACAD) framework. Next to this more qualitative approach, I will also discuss how to measure student engagement and I will present quantitative results on the effect of the level of presence (on-site versus remote, with or without interaction) on conceptual and affective outcomes. In terms of the student perspective, the study did not find any significant differences between physical and remote presence regarding conceptual understanding, yet significant differences were found in regard of affective engagement in favour of the on-site students and remote students having the opportunity to interact. In line with the ACAD framework, the research found that successful learning and teaching activities are interrelated with set, epistemic, and social design decisions. Short Bio: Annelies Raes is Tenure Track Professor at KU Leuven, Belgium within the Centre for Instructional Psychology and Technology. Annelies Raes holds a PhD in Educational Technology by Ghent University and worked before as a Senior Researcher at ITEC, IMEC research group at KU Leuven. Next to her affiliation to KU Leuven, Annelies Raes was Guest Professor and Chair Holder on Technology-Enhanced Learning Spaces at Université de Lille, France. Her main fields of interest are innovative education models as collaborative problem solving and synchronous hybrid education. In her future research, she is interested in investigating the (new) role of the teacher in technology-enhanced learning environments and how to measure teacher orchestration (load) during hybrid education Online: Meeting ID: 649 2468 6403 Passcode: 893078