Olivier Baud

Olivier Baud

Function: Professeur ordinaire

Nom du groupe: Pathogenesis of perinatal brain damage and neuroprotection of the developing brain

Group type: Main

Affiliations: Faculty of Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals, Department of Paediatrics

Domaines: Development and Plasticity

Mot clés: angiogenesis, brain development, brain imaging, brain lesions, cortical connectivity

Activités de recherche

Most of research programs developed in our group are focused on perinatal brain injury and aim at preventing brain injury associated with premature birth or intra-uterine growth retardation. We are currently developing basic research programs including :

1- Perinatal microvasculature development in vivo and changes of gene expression controlling angiogenesis in animal models replicating perinatal brain injury.

2- Vasoreactivity and intrinsic brain connectivity of the developing brain in response to the genetic modulation of oxytocin CNS secretion from ParaVentricular Nucleus and remote modulation of microglial activation within the developing white matter.

3- Effect of sensorimotor interventions in the neonatal rat on regional blood volume changes and in vivo cortical connectivity using a new functional brain imaging modality (Ultrafast Doppler).

Dernières publications

See the complete list of the publications



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