Nina Kazanina

Nina Kazanina

Nom du groupe: NeuroLingo Lab

Group type: Main

Affiliations: Faculty of Medicine, Department of Basic Neurosciences

Mot clés: EEG, language, MEG, memory, neurosyntax

Activités de recherche

The NeuroLingo Lab employs EEG, MEG, fMRI and behavioural methods to investigate the core phenomena related to the neural processes underlying language and memory.
The name ‘NeuroLingo’ captures two central themes of the lab’s research agenda. First, we maintain a strong focus on neuroscience of language. Second, we are particularly interested in the ‘neural language’, i.e. the neural mechanisms that enable encoding categories, linear order or hierarchical structure and underlie key abilities across cognitive domains. At the intersection of these two directions of research, our work has investigated neural mechanisms underpinning representations at various scales: from phonology to syntax, as well as the interface between language comprehension and long-term memory. Evolutionary insights into brain function development across species play an important role in shaping our research approach.
A third, translational branch of the lab’s research aims to translate our basic findings into applications for assessing language function and other cognitive abilities across the lifespan and in conditions such as neurodegeneration and stroke.

Hide the members of the Lab

Prof. Nina Kazanina

Group leader

Campus Biotech - 03.175.159
+41 22 37 90 866

Berk Gercek


Campus Biotech

Katarina Labancova


Campus Biotech

Biswas Bodhiswata


Campus Biotech - 03.178.156

Theo Desbordes


Campus Biotech - 03.178.156


Faculté de médecine
Université de Genève