Timothée Proix

Timothée Proix

Function: Senior Research Associate

Nom du groupe: Neural Dynamics Lab    

Group type: Affiliated

Hosting group: Anne-Lise Giraud

Affiliations: Department of Basic Neurosciences

Domaines: Language and Communication

Activités de recherche

Our lab’s research focuses on the dynamical organization of the human brain activity in neurological disorders and behavior. We aim at identifying and modeling the spatiotemporal dynamics of neural activity at the local field potential and single-unit levels which support speech and language representations on the cognitive side, and epileptic seizures on the pathological side. We use a variety of methods, from short- and long-term intracranial recordings from patients with epilepsy,

statistical and mechanistic modeling of neural activity, and natural language processing tools such at GPT.

Funding: SNSF Ambizione

Publications clés

See the complete list of the publications


Department of basic neuroscience
Campus Biotech