Kerstin Preuschoff

Function: Professeure associée

Nom du groupe: Neuroscience in Finance and Economics

Group type: Main

Domaines: Attention and Cognition, Affective and Social Neurosciences

Mot clés: computation, decision making, financial economics, uncertainty

Activités de recherche

Our research in Neuroeconomics and Neurofinance focuses on decision making under uncertainty. This highly interdisciplinary work covers theoretical and experimental aspects of decision making and risk taking and unites neuroscience, financial economics, computational neuroscience and psychology. We primarily employ behavioral studies, computational modelling and functional MRI to study how humans make (financial) decisions in an uncertain world.

Group website

Dernières publications

See the complete list of the publications


Geneva Finance Research Institute
Faculté d’économie et de management
Université de Genève