Ivan Rodriguez
Function: Professeur ordinaire
Nom du groupe: Neurogenetics
Group type: Main
Affiliations: Faculty of Science, Department of Genetics and Evolution
Domaines: Development and Plasticity, Sensory and Motor Systems
Mot clés: genetics, neuroendocrinology, pheromones perception, sensory perception
Activités de recherche
Our group is interested in the organization, at a molecular level, of vertebrate neuronal systems involved in the perception of the outside world. We are particularly interested in the vomeronasal (VNO) system, a system responsible for the perception of pheromones in mammals. The VNO plays a crucial role in peer-mediated neuroendocrine effects and instinctive behaviors. These include, for example, mating, the establishment of social hierarchy and the regulation of ovulation. Hundreds of specialized receptors are expressed by vomeronasal sensory neurons; these receptors appear to both play a role in chemodetection and in the establishment of a functional vomeronasal axonal projection map in the brain. Using mouse genetics, we take advantage of the remarkably regulated expression of the genes coding for these receptors (one unique gene from a single parental allele expressed per neuron), and use this very unusual particularity as a genetic door to the exploration of the system.
Dernières publications
Author Correction: Generation of human islet cell type-specific identity genesets.
Publisher Correction: Transcriptional adaptation of olfactory sensory neurons to GPCR identity and activity.
Clustering of vomeronasal receptor genes is required for transcriptional stability but not for choice.
Control of the Two-photon Visual Process in ex vivo Retinas and in Living Mice.
Faculté des Sciences
Université de Genève
Email: Ivan.Rodriguez@unige.ch