Daniel Huber
Function: Professeur associé
Nom du groupe: Neural circuits and behavior
Group type: Main
Affiliations: Faculty of Medicine, Department of Basic Neurosciences
Domaines: Sensory and Motor Systems, Development and Plasticity
Mot clés: brain networks, learning, motor control, motor cortex
Activités de recherche
Whether it is for tying one’s shoe laces or exploring the iPhone, we need to continuously practice new movements and acquire novel motor skills. Motor cortex is one of the key brain areas participating in learning and orchestrating such voluntary movements. Despite decades of research this brain area remains poorly understood. We use a series of innovative optical imaging methods, such as in vivo two-photon microscopy with fluorescent activity indicators, to record neuronal activity in the frontal cortex in the behaving animals and thereby gain a better understanding of the exact neuronal network dynamics underlying decision making and motor control. We work with mice since they are great manipulators and give access to a wide variety of important molecular tools. These experiments in rodents will ultimately help us to understand some of the basic neuronal mechanisms that govern our own actions, enabling us to solve new challenges.
Dernières publications
Mice and primates use distinct strategies for visual segmentation.
Refinements to rodent head fixation and fluid/food control for neuroscience.
The gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) as a model for early primate brain evolution.
Temporal controls over inter-areal cortical projection neuron fate diversity.
Hide the members of the Lab
Prof. Daniel Huber
+41 22 37 95 347
Gregorio Galinanes Avila
+41 22 37 95 389
Jeremy Marozeau
+41 22 37 95 389
Ali Nouri Zonoz
+41 22 37 91 049
Antoine Philippides
+41 22 37 95 389
Marina Ulanova
+41 22 37 95 389
Özge Yuzgec
+41 22 37 95 389
Faculté de médecine
Université de Genève
Email: Daniel.Huber@unige.ch