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Talk Deborah Talmi (Lecture series)

23 mai 2023 @ 16 h 30 min - 17 h 30 min

When we want to remember: A mechanistic model of emotional and motivated memory recall Human brains evolved to utilise goal-relevant information and therefore likely implement multiple mechanisms to retain such information preferentially and retrieve it in relevant contexts. The emotional Context Maintenance and Retrieval model (eCMR) brings some of these mechanisms within a single formal framework to explain the dynamics of recalling personally-meaningful information. Originally developed to account for emotional memory recall, for example when participants encounter and recount their memory of distressing scenes, eCMR makes the same predictions for recall of any goal-relevant information. We report three recent tests of the model with stimuli made goal-relevant by varying the monetary reward participants receive for recalling them in a subsequent memory test. Our data also provided information that is useful to constrain and further develop the model. Taken together, the results support eCMR as a model of recall of goal-relevant information, but also point to limitations in its ability to simulate strategic encoding processes. ON SITE & Meeting ID: 624 4865 5347 Passcode: 504271


Date :
23 mai 2023
Heure :
16 h 30 min - 17 h 30 min
Catégorie d’évènement:
Site :


H8-01 D
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